Managing Difficult & Aggressive Situations

Expired Managing Difficult & Aggressive Situations

Date & Time of Course

  •  5 July, 2024
     9:30 am - 3:30 pm


This 1-day course will equip you with the skills, knowledge and techniques required to effectively handle difficult and aggressive behaviour and avoid these escalating into a potentially violent situation.

You will learn how to manage your own response to situations of conflict and aggression, as well as learning how to connect with and calm others. The course will explore the potential reasons behind aggression and how to spot the early warning signs.  Most importantly you will learn how to manage difficult situations calmly and professionally by using a range of effective and creative techniques.

This course will support you to:

  • Understand why people get angry or display challenging behaviour
  • Understand the links between complex needs (alcohol/ substance misuse, trauma, mental health) and challenging behaviour
  • Identify your own triggers and help clients to identify theirs
  • Recognise how your own communication skills can impact on your clients’ behaviour (verbal and non-verbal)
  • Apply techniques for defusing difficult or aggressive situations
  • Assess risk and keep yourself and others safe
  • De-brief effectively with others

Who should attend?

Suitable for all frontline staff who face the possibility of aggression or violence in their workplace.




This course will be delivered online over 1 day on 5 July 2024.  Please note, this online course will not be recorded.


I found the whole course really useful and informative. The scientific information helped to backup the practical steps we could take if faced with a difficult situation.



This course is also available in-house, and prices start from £798 for up to 16 people. This can be a cost-effective way of training staff and can be tailored to best meet the needs of your organisation.

For more information see In-house Training

Please contact the Learning & Development Team for further assistance at [email protected] or telephone  01273 645420

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.