Mo originally trained as a Registered General Nurse and has over 35 years experience of working with people of all ages and backgrounds, across a broad spectrum of health and social care related settings. Most of her career has been spent in the field of Public Health and Specialist Health Promotion – working to reduce health inequalities and improve health outcomes on a population and individual basis, in areas of greatest need.
Following a Person-Centred Counselling course in 1999, Mo became increasingly interested in the psychology of Behaviour Change – in particular the approach of Motivational Interviewing – recognising the value this added to her practice and to the experience of and feedback from the patients and clients in her care. She sought out and attended various MI courses and sources of professional support until becoming a competent MI practitioner. In 2003 Mo was successful in obtaining a place on the internationally acclaimed ‘training the trainers’ (MINT) course run by Drs William Miller and Stephen Rollnick, the founders and creators of this approach and has since been delivering MI training and coaching for a rich diversity of practitioners across the fields of health, social care, criminal justice, education, substance use and generally anywhere where conversations about supporting change may take place.
Mo still works in the NHS as a Senior Practitioner within the specialist field of Sexual Health. She is also an experienced Mindfulness Practitioner and trainer. This significantly enhances Mo’s ability to relate to and enable other practitioners to develop their skills and roles.