Date & Time of Course
10 March, 2021
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Universal credit claims have risen by almost 3 million since March 2020: the UC system has basically been reinvented to cope with the demands imposed by the pandemic.
We are delighted to signal a return to training with this short sharp Universal Credit update. It will be a 3-hour session using the magic of Zoom, which is currently taking the place of all our favourite venues.
Our aim is to bring you comprehensive information which will bring you up to speed with all the essentials in these unique times.
In particular, we will look at:
- the new specific COVID-related measures, including the Test and Trace payment, and new local authority provisions for low income families
- the current higher rates of UC, whether they are being extended and what that means for UC and legacy benefit claimants
- all the improved stuff – including new tools for online claims, telephone verification, increases to LHA rates, good news for the self-employed, flexibility with claimant commitments, recognition of vulnerability and the introduction of high-level safeguarding teams
- recent court decisions that are excellent news for claimants in and out of work, including the Connor, Johnson and Pantellerisco cases
- all the frustrating stuff – switching to UC, the benefit cap, Severe Disability Premium issues, inconsistent application of the rules, recovery of overpayments
- sharing experiences of dealing with DWP and HB in these unusual times
Who should attend?
This course is suitable for anyone reasonably familiar with UC who needs to be confident that their knowledge is up to date.
It will not be suitable for people who are brand new to Universal Credit, or people who do specialist benefits casework.
The trainer knowledge, energy and ability to manage the space was extremely well done. Sharing tools to
empower our clients and highlighting important language and regulations. Also the case studies were brilliant
as it brought it to life and was really memorable.
This course is also available in-house. Prices start from £675 for up to 14 people to be delivered online. This can be a cost-effective way of training staff and can be tailored to best meet the needs of your organisation.
For more information see In-house Training
Please contact the Learning & Development Team for further assistance [email protected] or telephone 01273 645420